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Covert Interviews

2018 Interview with Liara  (click link)


[2023 Interview with Liara (below)]

What styles of yoga do you practice and teach?

-Aerial (Anti-gravity) yoga, Dream yoga, Kriya Hatha yoga, Vinyasa, and Yin. Ultimately, everyone creates and must create his/her own yoga. Then only the authentic being can be realized. The authenticity comes through individuality; otherwise a borrowed and false realization is possible.


Is there a tradition or lineage you are a part of?

-Swami Rama is a key teacher.  The Bhagavad Gita & Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are also guides.


What truly changes your sense of existence?

-NDEs are not the only way to glimpse limitless Self. Source of True Power is present as love in breath.

How does this relate to the big picture?

-Part of me realizes a truth we have been running from for eons, many lives, our true nature. In that running, we had chosen ego mind over heart, greed over compassion and generosity. Everything is converging in which all ego structures are dissolving.


What is awakening?

-Awakening is feeling the emptiness of a world run by egoic consciousness. It can no longer survive. We can no longer run. All ways we diverted from the real must be removed involuntarily so we return to truth. Awakening is realizing we do not need more credentials to be who we are now.

Share pivotal turning points in your life.

- There is a point in human evolution where streams of consciousness become accessible. It dawns the brain is a receiver not a generator of consciousness. Activating dormant systems allowed me to access it, revisit my own deaths and rebirths, gave me insight into transmuting energy, changing forms, states, to help decode trauma, unhealthy adult patterns & heal. 

What is the craziest thing you ever did?

-Getting injected with radioactive istopes for Science or perhaps, flying in the cockpit behind a pilot during team aerobatic manoeuvers (+accelerated inversions).

What made you wholeheartedly embrace surrender?

-Breathwork was a catalyst for revisiting my deepest fears, deaths & NDEs from a completely different point of view. 


What really changed your sense of reality?

-Trusting myself more. Learning to redirect energy of suffering to reclaim personal power. It hit as we grasp identity is constructed by narratives, we dismantle it. 

Where did yoga begin for you?

- The Truth of Yoga connects body-breath-mind, has no beginning or end. Practice centred me before and after kids in this lifetime, yet yoga simply reminds us of being part of a never-ending universal energy flow.

What makes you feel most alive?

- Facing fear. I came to consciously redirect energy, stretch and integrate energies originally resisted.


Who is the shaman within?

-It is the strengthening of 'the person' that gives one the capacity, will to meet versions of death we create inside, close life chapters, end relationships. To be the shaman's world at this time is to understand the Self.

What is pushing boundaries for you?

-Stretching and transcending self-created limits. As a teen, I was a trapeze artist for a summer. The desire to experience new types of freedom led me to thrill-seeking, doing things like spelunking, deep diving. By midlife, going places where I feared to tread, shifting from pushing to surrender.  Breathwork and Inward journeys transcend limits of ego-created boundaries.

Why the shift from outer to inner journeys?

-It dawned existence is more than 3D world & body. 

Anything 'shake up' the journey?

-Moving through each layer of illusion is a 'shake-up.' For eons, I exerted effort to escape suffering, then finally stopped seeking to discover nothing to rescue.

What is 'inward' about?

-Turning inward reveals infinite places to explore. Key points stop us in our tracks. The first point is mind. Second point is recognizing our emotional states. Beyond, is the knower.  From body to mind is called contemplation. From the mind to the knower is state of meditation. Integrating all 3 minds is Self-realized.

How about mystical experiences?

-Mystical experiences are those that enable one to feel unified with the divine. Its intuitive. Immersing in nature is divine.  Breathwork opened me to witness myself in different forms, states, activated my light body, subtle senses.  Non-physical guides and beings are ever-present.  Being open to tune into symbols and sound feels natural, as opposed to "mystical".

Who is Liara really?

The response depends on one's point of view.  I AM a multidimensional being. On one level, I have a separate body, an evolving personality.  On another level, I am the highest expression of what I can embody in this life.  It is full of love, passion, aliveness, laughter, light-heartedness and joy. It starts to understand the identity structure in relation to the true Self. The process of translating this evolving understanding is the human journey. I am both separate and connected to all things. I become a unique version of the divine that lives in me through me and as me and so I participate in the evolution of the source field itself. I AM THAT.

Why does 'the unknown' scare people?

-To be in ego vibration is to see and experience existence from a place of fear. My journey teaches me resistance is a gift, a stage in purification, moving through fear. The idea of change is about unravelling illusion, to refocus on self-love. 

What is your most profound lesson?

-My hair-raising soul retrieval journey and transformation.

How is a the breath helpful?

- Tuning into the rhythm of the breath and timeless stories bring us to laughter, light-heartedness and the universal. The point is to guide others to feel into this aliveness, trust and fearlessness.   It is in breathing fully that one comes to truly listen to one's own soul.

What completely rocks your world?

-Giving people a sense of acceptance and belonging. Energy is what it is. Its life changing to realize no “negative” energy exists, simply heavier (denser) and lighter energy. If people feel alienated, or withdraw, energy is not compatible or they are not ready to accept or integrate it. 


Why are you here?

-On a practical level, I assist soul seekers to release fear-based energies and radically shift their lives.  I guide others to bravely reclaim their own inner power.

How does tuning into energy change things?

-Those who enter our scope are aligned with our energy, have something to teach or learn from us or start to see aspects of themselves in our reflection. Those who vanish from our lives, "vibrate out", are on different frequencies or stages of consciousness. We change stations like a radio dial.  We grow invisible to all not aligned with our energy or who do not require it. Our energy depends on nobility of our own being.  There is no one right way to find healing as we are all individuals with different experiences and needs.

Why do people come to you?

-I support those who are willing to face themselves. I respect each unique experience, hold a safe space, guide awakenings, invite you to build on your innate tools, honour yourself.  Its about working with your body’s insight, felt sense, feelings, knowing. Intuition helps clarify your current state, surrender to energy.

What is your ultimate vision?

-To live authentically aligned with my soul and guide others to return to love. I honour each unique Soul’s mission, see each being as whole and complete.  I exist to embody unconditional love to invite clarity to reveal itself so others Self-realize. I invite others to surrender to conscious wholeness.

Any closing comments?

-Turns out, we always attract what the soul needs.  So, you  may feel ready for shifts, yet are unsure how to let go of your resistance.  You may want to think less, feel more.  You may know what it is to be a pleaser, performer, juggler, outgrow certain roles you outgrow. You may crave deeper connection, what you don't think you have, feel caught in emotional traps, fear loneliness.  Look no further.  It takes one to know one.


Healing TV Live Interview 

Wednesday November 1, 2023 ~ 7.30am UK time


Power of Breathwork, Plant Medicine & Ayahuasca

With Liara Covert

Join Sara as she interviews Liara on Healing TV-

Link to interview:



Key Credentials

2023- May Aerial & Hatha Yoga Certificate (350Hr)

Coastal Zen Yoga (Kew, NSW, AU)


2023 -March -Kriya Hatha Yoga Certificate (500Hr)

Babaji Institute of Kriya Yoga (Colombo, Sri Lanka)  ​


2017-19- Breathwork-oriented Psychotherapy Level I& II (960 Hr) GTE, (Mandalong, NSW, AU)

2000- Ph.D.- Doctorate, International Relations & Diplomacy, Le Centre D'Etudes Diplomatiques & Strategiques (CEDS), Paris, France

1998- M.A.-Master of Arts, French Literature & International Relations, Sorbonne Universite-Paris IV

1994-B.A.-Bachelor of Arts, (FCH), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

P.O. Box 766 Esperence, Western Australia

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